Tuesday, December 12, 2006

This is my final project map of Occoquan Reservoir and Sandy Run Regional Park. The park is used for rowing activities for high schools, colleges and other clubs and organizations. I mapped both the Spring and Fall race courses.

I used a variety of data sources for the project. The first data source was the Fairfax County GIS and Mapping Department. This is where I got the shape file for the park boundaries, the reservoir boundaries and the roads. I could of used Illustrator but I figured it would be more accurate just to get these from shape files.
Fairfax GIS and Mapping Department

Another website I used was the Occoquan Boat Club homepage, where they have information about the races.
Occoquan Boat Club

I used Google Earth to get a high resolution image of the inset area.
Google Earth

A good site to find images of the races held at Occoquan is row2k.org.

Sandy Run Regional Park is run by the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority. Their homepage is: