Monday, September 25, 2006

Polar Orthographic Projection of Mars north pole.

Lab 3, the Mollweide Projection

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Here's my lab 2 exercise. The hardest part for me was the natural surface. The pen tool is tricky.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hi, welcome to my blog! Here are a few links I've added to my site.

The first link I chose is the National Climatic Data Center. This is a useful site for looking up past climate conditions. I use it to see what the lowest temperature is in my area so I can choose plants that will survive the winter here. It's nice because you can create several different types of graphs of the information.

Another link I chose is This is a great website for learning about the geography of Virginia. It's run by Charlie Grymes who teaches Geography of Virginia and Geography of Northern Virginia at GMU. I've taken both classes and highly recommend them especially the Northern Virginia one.

The third link is to the GIS Data Depot. This is a website that I used in my Introduction to GIS class and my Plant Geography class. You can find a lot of information such as aerial photos, census data, etc..

The last link I wanted to add is the homepage for DNR Garmin. DNR Garmin is a freeware program made by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. It lets you import data from a Garmin GPS directly to ArcView without having to buy Garmin's expensive software.
DNR Garmin